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IDAE. Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía is presenting today on 2nd Offshore Wind Conference in the Canary Islands, the results of the R&D program RENMARINAS DEMOS , awarding 147M€ and +300M€ of total investment (public+private)

Víctor Marcos Morell highlighted the high quality of the received proposals and the well-ballanced sharing of the funding and projects along the Spanish geography. This program is a steping-stone in our roadmap to boost the commercial scale of marine renewables energies.

BlueNewables is one of the 21 companies awarded to install 1MWp of solar panels on top of our innovate and groundbreaking #floatingsolar system PV-bos, in #Valencia harbour.

The “Comunidad Valenciana” is one of the most industrially developed regions in Spain and one of the most populated. It is not well suited for wind energy generation but the solar resource is well known for everybody. Thus, an opportunity for this region to contribute to the #energytransition with solar energy coming from the sea and not interfering with the inland commercial and human activities.
Nice ☀️ resource, bening sea conditions, shallow continental shelf, proximity to consumers, suitable electric grid , well conditioned harbours, supply chain available and, now, a tailored technology like the PV-bos.

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