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Last week we organized an amazing event in Madrid, in Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial «Esteban Terradas» (INTA) (CEHIPAR) Facilities. BlueNewables showcased one of our floating wind platforms, the WIND-bos spar!

🔹The WIND-bos is a proprietary technology of BlueNewables, designed to withstand waves >20m height, wind speeds >150 km/h and currents >1,7m/s

🔹Designed to host wind turbines from 10MW to 15MW, water depth from 110m to 800m, moored using steel catenary or tauted systems.

🔹The performance in normal operating conditions is outstanding, tilting no more than 5 degrees, maintaining accelerations at nacelle below 3m/s2

🔹Even in the worse sea conditions, when the machine is not working, the platform never exceeds instantaneous tilts of more than 7 degrees and accelerations beyond 4m/s2.

🔹Thanks to CDTI Innovación – Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación and KTEP we are going to expand our research towards 25MW systems, including wind turbine, platform and mooring.

More than 30 companies and institutions joined us to share a lovely morning, plenty of floating wind discussions.

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