Gravity Base Structure (GBS) – BlueNewables Offshore Solutions
The G-bos technology is a concrete foundation type GBS (Gravity Base Structure) made of concrete and prepared to support +15MW offshore wind turbines. The technology allows the integrated transport of the wind turbine, behaving like a semisubmersible platform. Once reached the installation site, the GBS is supported on the seabed by means of a ballasting process that does not require large installation vessels.

- Low fabrication cost due to the use of concrete as the main construction material.
- Easy to industrialize
- Less complicated formwork.
- Higher construction speed.
- Flat panels facilitating weldability of top panel
- Wide supply chain
- Promoting local content by focusing on concrete construction.
- Harbour friendly in terms of draught needs.
- Transport in semi-submersible mode with high stability and shallow draft.
- Transport with conventional AHV.
- Wide weather windows for transport and installation.
- Self-installing: avoiding using large, expensive and scarce Heavy Lift Vessels.
- Well-known installation methodology.
- Large installation weather windows
- Robust design, well known and robust technology.